MEXICAN CAVE STUDIESA Project of the National Speleological Society
The Association for Mexican Cave Studies is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the exploration, study, and conservation of the caves of Mexico, chiefly through a program of publications. The AMCS is an official Project of the National Speleological Society.
La Asociación de Estudios de Cuevas Mexicanas es una organización voluntaria y no comercial dedicada a la exploración, estudio y conservación de las cuevas de México, principalmente a través de un programa de publicaciones. El AMCS es un proyecto oficial de la Sociedad Espeleológica Nacional.
Email and Contact Addresses
NEW PUBLICATION!!!!: AMCS Activities Newsletter, Number 43!!
See the table of contents here. $25 plus postage.
See the Publications link for how to order using Paypal!
OTHER RECENT PERIODICALS:Death Coral Caver, Number 15 Tsaval, Number 8 (December 2021)
The AMCS wishes to thank Charles Goldsmith for hosting this site starting in 2010.
updated 9 July 2023