AMCS Anthem

-by Carol Russell, with help from Bill Russell and others

From the Halls of Bustamante
To Venana Jabalí
We explore the country's grutas
In the hills from sea to sea.
First to travel through Tlamaya,
First to check out Tamuín,
We are proud to clain the title
Of the AMCS Team.

Our flag unfurled to ev'ry breeze
From dawn to setting sun,
We have caved in ev'ry clime and place
Where caving can be done.
In the caves of far-off ranges,
Or in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always underground,
The AMCS Teams

Here's health to you and to our group,
Which we are proud to serve.
In many a pit we've done our bit
And never lost our nerve.
If the Aguilas and Condores
Ever look on Heaven's Scenes,
They will find the caves have all been mapped
By The AMCS Teams.

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